Tuesday 24 March 2009

New Bonnet....

Evening folks... hope you've all had an excellent day....
Well since my last post... I decided upon what I wanted to do next and that was to work away on my new bonnet for my friends daughter...
I've been having good fun thinking of what to put on it & how I'm going to place them etc...
At the moment... the only thing that has been attached is the poor ribbon.. although... I am in the process of putting bits & bobs together, then once everything is ready to be attached I will put them all on at the same time... that way I know they'll definately be glued where I want them instead of changing my mind at the last minute..
Hopefully I'll be able to let you see it tomorrow if I can get it all completed by then...
That's enough from me just now as I must get back to my wee old bonnet... which seeing as it has been raining here today, has been a delight to work with as it's a beautiful colour...
Hope to see you all again tomorrow.
Happy crafting
Lorraine xxx

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