Sunday 29 March 2009

My Surprise

Well as you will know from yesterday's posting I had a surprise email asking if I would do some work using Sakura pens... which I agreed to...
What was the surprise....
Linnie actually asked me if I would like to work with her Cute Daisy May images using my Sakura kit... how could I possibly say no to that one...
Firstly it gives me another great excuse to play with my beloved pens & also the chance to combine them with downloadable images... considering we are in the middle of a credit crunch right now I think that more people will be using downloads this year as they are so much cheaper to purchase.
Anyhow, I'm off now to have a little colouring in session & will hopefully have something for you by the end of the day.
Hope you're all having a fab weekend.
Lorraine xxx


  1. I agree about the downloads Lorraine, plus there's no storage issues with them/
    Can't wait to see your creations
    Anne x

  2. Congrats hunni what a perfect scenario for you hun!
    well deserved!!

    Emma xxx

  3. Oooh great news - well done Lorraine!

  4. Congratulations Lorraine and so glad you will be joining us over at Cute Daisy May.
    Hugs Linda

  5. CONGRATS!!!! I am really stoked to see your creations!

  6. congrats hun..well done xx
    off to comment on your cute masiy day card now...its looking gorgeous

  7. Congrats Lorraine! >:0)
