Thursday 12 March 2009

It's good to talk...

Well folk the end of the night is almost upon us & I do feel slightly lazy today...
Early afternoon I meandered on down to my craft group for a catch up with the ladies to see what goodies they purchased at the SECC & also to present them with a lovely box of goodies and a fabulous hand made card from our very own Kath which she so kindly asked me to pass on to them...
Kath honey if you are reading this... all the ladies have asked me to say a very big thank you on their behalf... I will speak to you personally anyway to thank you for your generosity...
Upon leaving there I had some stash to pick up then headed off to Asda for a few essentials that hubby forget to buy at the weekend... you know things like MILK !!!!!
Now you know how every so often you go to the supermarket & you meet everyone you know... well today was one of those days... it took me almost 2 hours to get £20 of stuff... think I spoke to more than 20 people...
Well if you cast your mind back to just after my operation last year... Kath paid me a visit when she was working the SECC and unfortunately when we left to drive her home I took ill in the petrol station and poor Kath was abondoned there to get a taxi... well wait to you hear this... today I met the girl who was working the petrol station that night and although she didn't see me in the forecourt she thought she recognised my hubby & his number plate... put two & two together & realised it was infact me who was ill.... she very kindly called the taxi driver who she personally uses all the time as she knew that I would be worried about Kath & that way she knew that Kath would not be ripped off on charges & that she would get back to her hotel safely.. I found it quite amazing that I only found this out so many months after the event but is it not amazing how kind people can be to others during a crisis...
Kath.... I've to say Hi to you from her & the taxi driver said you were such a lovely lady & a very good tipper...
Righty I'm off to bed now... getting used to these earlier nights now instead of my old 2am stunts and tomorrow my mum & her hubby are coming to visit for a few hours, step daughter & boyfriend are visiting tomorrow night apart from that I'm planning on having a day in the house. Think I'm going to have to do the basic essentials housework wise & spend some precious time crafting... oh I can't wait & am excited at the thought of it...
Till tomorrow my lovelies... nighty night...
Lorraine xxx


  1. Ahhh thats lovely lorraine, it's lovely to know there is descent people out there willing to help...
    Hugs Angel

  2. You could have reunions in the petrol station - well maybe not!

    Cazzy x
