Tuesday 10 March 2009

Daily Candy Add on

Good morning again all my lovelies out there in blogland... hope the weather is nice where you are... I actually have a bit of a blue sky at the moment so hope it lasts the whole day....
Yesterday definately turned into a bit of a slow day for me... done a little housework then took a rest & by mid afternoon I gave in & had a little nap. Thankfully I managed to get most of the house under control again & had a super sleep last night so feeling more like my old self today.. which is good as I have to get organised for tomorrow.. pack kit do some projects then I can play with any time I have left...
So here is today's daily candy add on.... it's one of the new Finger Tip Swivel Knives from Fiskars... unlike the original finger tip knife which had a normal sized static blade, this one has a small blade which also swivels so more apt for any delicate work you may be doing...

Normal daily rules apply... leave a comment & place a link if you wish... then stop by tomorrow again for the next addition...
I'll hopefully be back later with a little creation of my own...
Hope you all have a wonderful day & happy crafting.
Lorraine xxx


  1. Great tool, yes I need it! Hugs, Moni

  2. Hello Lorraine,

    What a great item you have on your daily candy ....thats new for me ,never seen it..... but i wanna try it out !!!!

    Here it's a raining day ....a perfect craft day !!!!

    Greetings Peggy

  3. Just what I need! This blog candy is really looking great!
    Lou XX

  4. Glad your on top of the house again, nothing worse than leaving a man at home alone they just can't cope!!
    Have a good day.
    Kim xXx

  5. I have never seen these before !! I usually struggle with a big blade and ruin most things !! If I don't win this one I'll have to buy one !! ha ha

  6. morning hun..not very good weather here today very cold windy..and its goner start raining anytime now :-)
    glad to hear your back to youself and your all fresh and raving to go..good luck wit your porject.
    hugs clare x

    would love the chance today pleasex

  7. Hello Lorraine - good to hear you got the dreaded h/w done & had a wee nap too!! More yummy candy - I need it - please?? pretty please?? lol!!
    Take care & hugs xxx

  8. todays candy looks interesting, not great at using blades, normally get hubby to do it for me, so would be something worth trying, I know what you mean about leaving hubby to keep the house tidy, i have had to leave it to hubby for the last 4 weeks and certainly another 2, luckily mum comes and blitz it one a week lol

  9. Here again!
    You really are generous with this candy! =)
    Hugs, SannaS

  10. another great add on Lorriane.
    Mt house could do with a clean if you've time to spare lol

  11. Yeah, I miss your creations! I still dont have this tool. Thanks again!!!


  12. Wow, your candy is the most desirable of all! You have so many usefull tools in it, I just can't believe! Recently I've read a review on this tool and find it very handy.
    About housework... you can't end with it, you just can stop :) At least as for me :)

  13. Happy crafting to you, too!! Sounds like you have exciting and hectis days!! The knife looks great! Would be happy if I won that one!! ;D

  14. A fantastic addition to the stash Lorraine. I have the original which is marvellous but this looks even better!
    Ali xx

  15. hi would love the finger knife, thanks xxx

  16. Cool tool! I haven't seen it yet, but seeing that I am a tool junkie, I really NEED it!

  17. Lorraine,
    this tool is great!!
    thank you and talk to you tomorrow!
    have a fabulous day!
    Vivi Casale

  18. Hey There,
    I've never seen these before. It'd be fun to give em a try!

  19. Now this is just toooo cool! I gotta have one!

  20. wow... this is amazing!!

    bye bye elisabetta

  21. glad to hear you've got the house under control babes...........any hints on how you do it cos I never have my house under control lmao!!

    hope you get the chance to get crafty hun


    Amanda xx

  22. wow, not seen one of these before..yummie, looks good..
    hope your well.
    Hugs Angel

  23. This would be a cool tool to use. Thanks!

  24. Hi Lorraine
    now this little tool looks very handy and would fit nicely into my tool pencilcase ready to be used often and not stored (lol)
    thanks Debra xx

  25. Ooooh nice one Lorraine, this is def. something I need!Cheers

  26. Hi Lorraine good to see you are rested. In have never seen one of these before and would love one.
    Hugs Linda

  27. Count me in again. It's so fun to stop by everyday to see what your giving away again. This knife would be great because I do most of my cutting with an exacto knife and ruler.

  28. Hi Lorraine glad you had a super sleep and feeling a bit brighter today. :)

    Oooh what a useful looking knife - love the idea of a swivel blade - could certainly do with something like that.:)


  29. Goodness, this is just the best candy ever. I have added an additional entry on my blog here:
    sharing about your giveaway.I hope this increases your following. I truely enjoy your blog. ms.cheryl

  30. what a fab little gadget hun!!
    count me in hun again....

    Emma xxx

  31. I need that gadget! Count me in

  32. What a generous blog candy. Thanks for a chance to win!

  33. This is a great tool
    Thank you for the chance to win

  34. Lorraine, I have been so tempted to buy one of those Fiskar knives. I am glad I waited, as maybe now I can win the new and improved one. Fingers crossed.
    Linda S. in NE

  35. This looks like fun would love to win this little cutting tool
    thanks for the chance ... again :)

  36. Morning Lorraine

    Hope you have a great day

    Zoe x

  37. Nice Fiskars Tools...I need this to Lorraine...hugs, Monika

  38. This is actually a new product for me, I have never seen them. Very cool!

    It has been beautiful here the last few days. It is suppose to get cold again this weekend.


  39. This looks great, each day gets better and better

  40. This candy gets better everyday.
    Trish (-:

  41. Another great addition to the candy.

    Cazzy xx

  42. This is great! First time I've seen it- I have the other one and I love it but this would be wonderful with the coluzzel shapes!

  43. Great tool! I'd love to have it ;)

  44. Would love to try and so some decoupage with this little wizard - I bet it's just the tool for that!

  45. Love the original knife, would love the chance to win this one too though....link on my blog for you....hugs Jackie xx

  46. Wow! What a great wee tool. You're so generous missus. Lainy xx

  47. oooo is that easy to use then? never tried one of those - obviously I am fiskarly naive!!

  48. Not seen one of these before either, looks good though. Sounds ideal for cutting my decoupages out.

  49. I haven't checked these smaller ones out yet.

  50. i've been wanting to get one of these for a while. i hope i win. :)

  51. dewffo need this tool ..dont like knives ..oooo make me go all funny....this looks much easier and safer...hugs sasyxxx

  52. These little gizmos are neat - I've seen them demoed, but never tried one myself!

  53. Hello Lorraine.
    Great tool! I'd love to win it :)
    Hugs Fifi.

  54. this is on my wishlist! I have the original fingertip craft knife and love it.

  55. Very interesting crafting thing.
    Thank you for a chance.
