Monday 2 March 2009

Another Monday.....

Good morning again my lovely peeps & here's to a new & exciting week ahead....
Just popped on to say what a fabulous weekend I've had celebrating my birthday (which hubby extended to yesterday too) pampered me the whole day... think he was just grateful that after my illness last year I have been one of the very fortunate people in life... unlike poor Wendy Richards & Jade Goody.... my heart really does go out to them.
Well I do have my Sugar Sugar challenge card ready but right now I'm just leaving a wee note to let you all know that I will be back around lunch time..
At the moment I'm busy scrubbing the house so I can take it a bit easier over the next 2 days then WooHoo it will be time to get my bum off to the SECC & back to work again... so can't wait...
I've decided if I focus & do it all this morning then later on I can upload my card & then do some blog hopping which I haven't managed to fit in for several days now... got a lot of catching up to do....
Well Mrs Mop is off to work & see you all in a few hours...
Big hugs
Lorraine xxx


  1. Hiya, listed you for a blog award, checkout my blog...

    Lou X

  2. Hi Lorraine
    Glad you had a lovely weekend and birthday what a fab hubby you have too just like mine pampering you all day.
    Debra xx
