Tuesday 31 March 2009

Another day over...

Boy oh boy did my day turn out to be different to what I had originally planned.
Now last week I didn't manage to get very much sleep... same thing over & over again for 1 week every month... now you know what to blame for that... so I couldn't believe it when I had such an amazing sleep last night... and felt so much better for it today.
Up I got, done a few things, including some blogging of course and then off for my little trip to see the physio... oh boy was it good.. a lovely massage I had today for the full of my session & I also got a new exercise which is very easy to do but will help with my movement range.
I was then going to pop over to visit my buddy Gayle but I forgot that her Dad visits on a Tuesday so that put end to that idea... off home I trotted & made some lunch for myself. Then the phone started to ring, Mum calling from sunny Vegas, Rob etc etc... about an hour and a half down the line I finally got off my butt to do some housework & ended up having a mad session.. not easy to get the work done when mum is around as she will not accept that my operation was almost 6 months ago & still thinks I should sit on my bum all day...
Two loads of washing done.. ready for Sandra to iron tomorrow... kitchen units & floors scrubbed.. wc washed down & floor scrubbed, hall scrubbed, dining room...well we never use it for eating in so in there is my bunny "Buddy", guinea pig Gruesilog and 2 mini chinese hamsters Ping & Pong... so all of their cages were cleaned then the full room was scrubbed...
Next on the agenda was dinner... then off to see to all the outdoor bunnies.
9pm and duties completed so sat & watched some tv with hubby whilst the mad Buddy had a run around our feet... he is such a baby constantly jumping up for hugs & kisses from his daddy...
Rob has popped off to bed now & once I finish this post I think I'll be having an early night too that way I will have plenty of energy tomorrow again... for my crafting of course... well that's not entirely true as my craft room is a mess again so will have to spend an hour or two getting it all organised so it looks all pretty.
Only have one card ready at the moment so will schedule this to post at 8am tomorrow.
Hope you've all had a fab day like me.
Lorraine xxx

1 comment:

  1. oh god I'm exhausted just reading what you did yesterday!!! well done hunni, feel free to come North if you've got an excess of cleaning energy!!


    Amanda xxx
