Friday 20 February 2009

What a morning

Well my lovely little peeps... what a morning it has been...
Firstly I hardly slept last night... one of those where you do nothing but toss & turn... then when I did awake & looked out of the window, there is a yucky grey sky... so decided to pop on computer & catch up with todays challenges. Whilst doing this I read that poor Angel had her van & tools stolen last night from outside her home... poor lass & her hubby are devastated as this is what provides their income..
Thankfully I then popped over to visit Gayle & she has a lovely summery card on today complete with yellow gingham ribbon that put the first smile of the day on my face... then over to Kath's to see her tag & she has used her Agapanthus stamp which I so adore... now the day is starting to look a little brighter thanks to these two wonderful ladies...
Well better sign off again, do some housework then get some cards made... I'm so behind with challenges this week but I've had so many other things to catch up with & been fighting my headaches... thankfully those seem to have gone away... fingers crossed it remains that way.
Back later with at least 1 new creation.
Lorraine xxx


  1. Hope your headaches eased a bit hunny x

  2. Oh goodness, poor angel!! Hope they find who did it and they get everything back in good condition.

    Fingers are crossed that your headaches stay AWAY! :)

    Off to check out Gayle and Kath's new creations.

    Have a super day.

  3. Awwwww... thanks hun!!!!!
    feels good to know people are thinking of you!!!!
    Hugs Angel
