Sunday 8 February 2009

Update on Gayle's sister.....

Morning my little sweets....
I know I'm bad as I never posted my daily update last night but there was a very good reason for it... I was partying away all day at a 1st birthday party then when I managed to text Gayle last night there was no response until this morning... YIPPEE.... she was so exhausted when she got back from the hospital that she actually went straight to bed & off to the land of nod... how wonderful is that.... she slept most of the night too so I'm mega happy about that....
Her sister was a lot brighter yesterday so hopefully now that her pain meds have kicked in & she's getting some sleep the body is recovering a bit... no MRI & my strong suspicions are that this will not be done before tomorrow... but hey we can but hope...
As soon as I know more I will let you know...
I'm off to tackle my Penny Black challenge now so will be back later...
Lorraine xxx


  1. thats great news about Gayle hun..gald to hear she had a better night rest.
    lol at you at a 1st birthday wish me like im off with jake this afternoon to a 5th birthday
    pop back later to see your PB creations....have a great sunday hugs clare xx

    thanks for your lovely comment x

  2. Thanks for the update. So glad Gayle got some sleep.

    I am thinking of them both.
