Friday 6 February 2009

Update on Gayle's sister.....

Good evening again my lovelies...
Just a quick update for you tonight on Gayle's sister's condition.. There is still no real change in her today although she does appear to be a little brighter...
Unfortunately she did not have her MRI carried out today so not sure if this will happen over the weekend or not... will just have to wait & see...
As always I will keep you up to date over the weekend.
Thanking you all once again...
Lorraine xxx


  1. good news is thats she is a little brighter today..and what a bummer that she didn't have her MRI today..i cant see she will have it now untill next week,as its the weekend..but ive got my fingers crossed and she is still in my thoughts..thanks once again hun for the update xx hugs clare xx

    thanks for spreading the word of my candy..and good luck xx clare x

  2. Hi Lorraine, Sorry I haven't been commenting recently - been incredibly busy. But rest assured I have been following and offering up prayers.
    Sharon xx

  3. Still keeping themin my prayers.
