Thursday 5 February 2009

Update on Gayle's sister.....

Well good evening folks.....
I know I'm earlier than normal this evening with my daily update on Gayle's sisters condition but that must be a good thing eh....
Yes it is & I got my evening update earlier than normal tonight as Gayle was so happy... there is still a ways to go but so far so good... both the CT & Lumbar Puncture results have came back as clear.... that's a step in the right direction at least... now at some point over the next few days they are going to carry out an MRI scan and not sure how long it will take to obtain these results..
The next good piece of news is that Gayle managed about 4 hours sleep last night which helped a lot & hopefully with this good news today she will get some more rest tonight... her sister is also in a much more comfortable condition now as they have her doped up to the eyeballs on pain meds which is no bad thing after the days of agony she was in... Let's hope both of them get well bitten by the bed bugs tonight...
Well that's today's daily update for you & I am so glad it's more positive than the last few have been... here's hoping that the only way now is up...
Thanking you for your support..
Lorraine xxx


  1. this is great news lorraine..and im glad that gayle was able to get some rest..fingers crossed for the MRI scan next...lets hope another postive result again and to be able to pin point what is giving her all this pain.thanks once again for updating us,sending hugs clare x

  2. Nice that you get positive news .
    I hope for you that you get more and more great news !!

    Nice weekend,

    Greetings from Belgium,

  3. Started following your blog recently, don't even know Gayle or her sister but found myself hanging off your every word and checking the blog for updates daily! Hoping her sister gets better really soon...x

  4. This is good news.

    I've sent you an award, check my blog for details.

  5. thank you for the update. That is good news and certainly an answer to my prayers. Will continue to keep them in my thoughts and prayers.
