Wednesday 4 February 2009

Update on Gayle's sister.....

Good evening folks... I know in my earlier post I said I'd be back with my Penny Black creation but it turned out to be one of those visitors days so have only just got my card finished... at this time of night I have no chance of getting a decent pic so I will upload it tomorrow morning...
Anyway there are much more important things in life like health, and after checking in with Gayle this evening at around 9.30... lass is absolutely exhausted & I was glad to hear that she was heading off to bed then so I am hoping that she will get some kind of decent sleep tonight... fingers crossed...
Well her sister finally had her lumbar puncture carried out today (whilst Gayle was there) so at least now that has been done they can administer some pain medication... they still have to wait on the results to come through... how long this will take I do not know as when I heard that Gayle was heading to bed I quickly finished the conversation... I'm sure you will understand that I am very concerned about her health also & I thought it better to have minimal information tonight & let her get a sleep...
We are at least one step further forward & hopefully Gayle & her sister will be in the land of nod as I am typing this...
As usual I will post another update tomorrow night. Both Gayle & myself would like to thank you for all your continued support & I know her sister will be very grateful too...
Lorraine xxx


  1. Lorraine,
    First of all thank you so much for the updates. I am so happy to hear that Gayle is finally going to bed and hopefully get a good nights rest. I was beginning to really worry about her too. Keeping them in my prayers.

  2. Ohhh so glad they are managing to sleep now,
    sweet dreams guy's.....
    Hugs Angel

  3. hi lorrine...its great news to hear that they have finally done achieved something...but the owrse part now is waiting for the results.lets hope that gayle is looking after herself as well. and that she had a good night sleep.
    thanks once again..for keeping us updated.
    still in my thoughts..sending hugs love clare xx

  4. Thanks for the update. Have been wondering how she and her sis have been doing. Glad to hear she is managaing to get some sleep. Poor girl. Tell her I'm asking for her!
    Judy xx
