Wednesday 11 February 2009

Still Here !!!

Well I know it may appear like I have been missing in action since yesterday but infact I have been getting stuck in to tidying my craft room... not completely through choice. My OH wanted me to find a letter which he thought was in here... since I took ill no paperwork had been filed so in order to go through it all I had to rummage everything... I do have to say that I still have one box of stuff to go through & sort but certainly much better than it was before I started...

Now I do have to ask.... do you think I have a bit of an obsession with Sakura & Stickles ???
I have decided that Stardust is my confirmed favourite as in the tub on the left I infact have 80 Stardust pens.... THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE MY DEMO KIT !!! Heaven forbid I run out eh...

I was also amazed to discover that I have collected 45 tubs of Stickles.... Zoom in on the picture & count them if you don't believe me...
Also managed to get a lot of my flowers sorted in my new storage boxes so I'm quite a happy little crafter now...

Even more good news is that it's almost Trade Show time which means the unveiling of lots of new goodies due to hit our stores soon so I'm quite excited to see what all is in store for us over the coming months...

Oh my my my, how is a girl to control herself with so much going on.... hmmmm more crafting I suppose would be the simplest solution...

With that lovely thought I will bid you all a fond farewell till I post again...
Happy crafting
Lorraine xxxx


  1. No fair... look at all the stash. I don't have those kind of pens. I can't believe you have empty containers. That is just not allowed. You really need to do a lot of shopping at the trade show. Really! LOL Now would you like to come and clean my room?

  2. wow you are soo lucky, i too am a sucker for stickles and sakura but dont have too many as im just starting to build up my stock lol
    have fun
    sandra xxx

  3. Do Stickles and Gel pens really come in that many colours?????????


  4. Wow Lorraine, what a stash lol but it looks sooo pretty, all those lovely pens and little coloured bottles, ok ....i think i have a problem...... Donna x

  5. Ohhhh and the flowers.......I love the flowers....hehe. Donna x

  6. I thought I had all the sakura pens in every colour, but I don't have as many as you

  7. Wow all those Sukura pens and stickles i def need more and more only got 3 stickles (at the mo but not for long he he)
    Val xxx

  8. wowee do you get that many stickles, mind you I have a few bottles myself!!
    Stash, stash and more stash it's bloomin' scarey - it's an addiction that's what it is!!!


  9. Hi Lorraine....

    WOW, WOW,
    have fun!!!!!!
    Hugs Angel

  10. Whoowee...I must say I'm a little envious...That's a lot of goodies!! Cheers to you Colleen
