Monday 16 February 2009

Penny Black Challenge

Well I was out for lunch & a shopping trip today with my mum so had all the housework & washing to do this morning before I left... went on my outing with mum, then popped in to visit a friend for an hour or so as she's not keeping the best... then had a chat with my neighbour before actually returning home at around 5.45pm today... No sooner was I in the door & my OH text to say he was on his way home so had to organise dinner then... eat that & sort the dishes... then had to squeeze in my card for the Penny Black challenge... before my step daughter & boyfriend arrived at 7.30pm.... Gosh... still with me???
Well I decided upon a baby card for the challenge and here is what I came up with....

Now to make matters strange... during the course of the evening, one of my other neighbours text me to say his partner was in hospital going to be induced... she was due on Feb 9th & they had decided to leave her until this coming Friday before considering inducing her... alas.... baby has decided to play up with mother so they have tonight decided to start the inducing...
Do you think this is fate that today of all days I happened to make a baby girl card !!!!
Well you'll all just have to wait the same as me to find out... I will let you all know though...
Well I'm off to squeeze in some blog hopping before falling into bed in about half an hours time...
See you all tomorrow again...
Happy crafting
Lorraine xxx


  1. Beautiful card Lorraine!! No wonder you were tired - what a day!! Take care & give my best to Gayle!!
    Love & Hugs
    Ann xx

  2. Hiya Lorraine
    Well you had a busy day!! and hey witchy woo!! if it's a girl - that would be freakeeee!!! LOL!

    Look at that furry behind!!! How cute is that!! ROFL!


  3. You sound like you were very busy and you were still able to make such a beautiful card? I'm impressed! I wish I had that kind of creativity!

  4. Adorable that image!! Pretty paper, too!!


  5. gorgeous card! hope your beighbour is ok and there is happy news today :)

  6. gorgeous card for the sketch...and let's hope it's a girl or you have to start all over again with blue..thanks for joining in the fun this week at PBSc
    Hugs kath xxxxx

  7. Hiya, just tagged you, check the blog for details x

  8. Hi Lorraine - this is exceptionally cute - love how you have used the ABC as the 3 tiny embellishments - fab interpretation of the sketch! Thanks for joining in the PBSC this week.
    Pauline x

  9. Busy, busy, busy, Lorraine...
    Beautiful card though, really cute..
    Hugs Angel

  10. hi lorraine

    fantastic card, i love everything about it! good luck with it in the challenge

    jodie xx

  11. Lovely card Lorraine. Love the cute image. That was good planning! Hope you are well. Hugs, Lainy xx

  12. Oh wow Lorraine you did have a busy day, Im exhausted reading this, lol.. but you still had the time to make this gorgeous card _ love it. This image is so cute and love the a,b,c... fabulous !!
    Thanks for joining us this week at PBSC
    Tracie :)x
