Friday 27 February 2009

Good Afternoon

Well hello again my lovely little peeps.... hope you are all well & dandy on this fine day...
As you may know I was at the doctor this morning about my knee... well you go one place & end up another.... no it's not bad really.... my GP thinks I have what is known as Housemaid's Knee... basically a condition which arises from spending too much time on your knees... well I have always been a person who sat on her knees and am still in the habit when I'm working with a whole load of new products.. I love nothing more than to spread them all out over the living room floor where I can see them all together & then start deciding what goes with what...
Basically there is a fluid sac at the knee and she thinks that this has become inflammed so it's nothing major & is normally easily resolved... but to be on the safe side & ensure it's nothing to do with the actual knee joint, she shipped me off to the hospital for an x-ray... well if you live in my area you will know what parking at Wishaw General is like... about 600 people looking to park their car when there are only 300 spaces... perhaps this is why they are currently constructing 3 further car parks... hence my xray visit took no less than an hour and a half... I was round the full hospital grounds 3 times before I managed to get a parking place... absolutely disgusting. So have to wait for another 10 days now before I can get the results from my GP...
As soon as I got out of the hospital I text my friend to let her know I was heading home so she could come visit before heading back to Co Durham so she's now been & gone, as have my mother & her friend who is the darling who does all my weekly ironing... alas this is the first time I've had today to post an update...
Now I have to put all the ironing away & do a little housework as my step daughter & boyfriend are coming to visit tonight and I would like to try & get a wee card made before they arrive...
I have also received some lovely cards & flowers today which I will post pics of later... but with no further delay... I'm off to dash around now so I can get a little creation made...
Back with you all later.
Lorraine xxx


  1. I am so happy they feel it is not serious! Keep us updated, sweetie!

    Hmmm doesn't someone have a birthday tomorrow? Happy Birthday, Lorraine! I hope it is filled with love, laughter and lasting memories!


  2. Take Care Lorraine..Have a lovely Evening with the children:)~X~

  3. Oh hun that sounds like are hospita plus cost a fortune to park the car!!! Do hope ya knee is soon sorted, take it easy, have good eve, sue.x

  4. so glad you went to the docs honey better to be safe than sorry. Enjoy your evening.

  5. Hello! I hope everything is allright with your knee.

    I have that habit, too, to sit on my knees.

    Hugs, Vanja

  6. Aww hope your knee gets better soon!!


  7. don't you have sits or chairs in your

    great to hear you went to the do'c after...and that its nothing to bad.lets hope its sorted soon..and no more kneeing down.
    take care love clarex

  8. just popped in to wish you a happy birthday,
