Saturday 28 February 2009


A very good evening one & all from my lovely new lush office chair complete with lumbar support....
A huge thank you to everyone who has taken time to leave me birthday wishes... it's very kind of you & I have so enjoyed hearing from you all... will have to come visit you all & boy will that be hard whilst my bum sits in comfort now... lol....
We've been out for most of the day so only just managed to work out who has won my blog candy so my sincere apologies for the delay... alas, without further delay... the winner has been chosen by Random.Org and is:
Random Integer Generator
Here are your random numbers:157
Timestamp: 2009-02-28 19:39:50 UTC
This translates to be Zoe....
Big congrats honey & if you go to my profile page & drop me an email I can then get your goodies in the post to you on Monday...
In the meantime, keep an eye on my site as I have a new idea up my sleeve for something a little different...
I will take pics of all my lovely cards & gifts to post but may be tomorrow before I get around to doing it as only just realised what time it is & may have to snuggle up on sofa with hubby & watch a good movie...
All my love and hugs to everyone.
Lorraine xxxxx
P.s. hope you've all had a piece of cake today.... lol


  1. congratulations Zoe, enjoy your goodies
    Lorraine, thanks again for the chance to win and I hope you've had a great birthday quine

  2. well done to Zoe enjoy... and happy birthday to Lorraine.

    hope you have had a great weekend.

    chriss x

  3. Thank you so much Lorraine. I have emailed you

    Zoe x

  4. Congrats Zoe, and I hope you are all full up on birthday cake Lorraine, and had a great day Yesterday! XX

  5. Congratulations to the winner!

  6. Congratulations to Zoe!!!!
