Saturday 31 January 2009

Update on Gayle's sister.....

Good evening everyone.... hope you are all doing well & have had a lovely day ...
I have spoken to Gayle tonight, who may I add is nothing less than exhausted at this moment in time & under strict instructions, is now lying on the sofa in her pj's with a little refreshment to try & help her relax.... poor lass has hardly had a wink of sleep over the last week & had none at all last night...
As of this afternoon her sister's condition has not gotten any better, she is in a very poor state of health... Gayle is actually distraught.... she is being kept in hospital obviously but will not be seen by a specialist before Monday as this is the weekend...
I would ask that you all keep the family in your thoughts over the rest of the weekend... If there is any change tomorrow I will update you again, barring that I will let you know more on Monday once the specialist has spoken to them...
Gayle has asked me to pass on her thanks & gratitude for all the well wishes she has received and they are helping her enormously at this very trying time.
Thank you all...
Lorraine xxx


  1. Thank you Lorraine for keeping us updated

  2. Love and Hugs To You All Again...
    Hugs Angel

  3. thanks for keeping us updated..they are all in my thoughts.
    hugs clarex

  4. Keeping Gayle and all the families in my thoughts Lorraine...
    `Many Blessings`x
