Friday 16 January 2009

Tag You're It Challenge

Yet another fabulous challenge this week over at "Tag You're It" where the theme is "Sugar Candy Kisses"...

Now I was out & about today doing some errands including a stop at Morrisons to pick up a few bits & bobs, including my Simply Cards & Papercraft... packed with no less than 3 times the normal amount of free papers... now normally I never use these papers but boy were they just perfect today...

With the except of my base card & ribbon, all the images were free from my magazine... all I had to do was cut them out & decide where to place them...

Like so many others I'm having great difficulty getting any good photos this weather but some of the letters & the lips are actually raised for a 3D effect. Sorry you can't see it as it looks so much better in real life...

Well I hope you like my almost free to make tag & if you leave me a comment I can pop over & have a nosey at yours too...

Before you go don't forget to enter my 2nd BLOG CANDY giveaway

Happy crafting

Lorraine xxx


  1. Hi Lorraine,
    Looks like good bargins to me. I haven't made a tag, but yours is really sweet.

  2. Hi Lorraine - love you tag - so cheery and cute. :)


  3. I love your tag LorraineIt looks fabulous:)..Totally aggree about the light lately!!!soon those light nights will be with us!!!
    Yippee!!!!!!!Cant wait...
    Have a great Weekend:)~X~

  4. Hiya Lorraine!
    Aww love the idea - it's great love the x&o paper! Thanks for joining in again!

    I bought a lip stamp this week!!

    Have a great weekend!!


  5. wow fabbie tag and love the papers and those lips are luscious...thanks for joining in this week at TYI

  6. A fab tag! Great use of the freebie papers too! Thanks for joining in with the challenge.

  7. Hi HUn what a great tag just love tose hot sugary pinks just right for this. Thanks for your encouragement on the No smoking front, I can asure you its now easy but I keep thinking of all the stash I can buy with what I save, will be back after playin catch up to link your candy dear. Have a great weekend
    Hugs Jacqui x

  8. Gorgeous tag Lorraine & love those freebie papers - very bright & cute.
    Have a great weekend!! Hugs. Ann xxx

  9. ooooh...gorgeous tag!! and i never use the freebies either... think i will be having a re-think!!
    Paula xx

  10. Hi lorraine gorgeous tag love all the bright pink and the lips are fab, I just wanted to say thanks so much for taking the time to leave lovely comments on my cards, it means alot to me, sorry it's taken me this long to get over to your blog hugs Jill x

  11. BRILLIANT Lorraine!!!! You got the kisses in too! Love those lips! Your tag is fab! Thank sooo much for playing along with us again this week! ;o) xx

  12. Love your tag Lorraine. What a great take on their challenge. I don't often use the freebies either but those ones are fabulous!
    Sharon xx

  13. great tag Lorraine, will have to look better at the free papers in future , they look so good
    Have a good week end pet

  14. Gorgeous tag Lorraine, I agree with you those papers are especially nice this month! xx

  15. oh wow lots of gorgeous pink !! fabulous tag Lorraine and love the freebie's - I thought I recognised them from SC&P mag.
    Have a great weekend
    Tracie :)x

  16. ooh this tag is lucious!!
    youve done a fab job with those papers hun!

    Emma xxx

  17. Gorgeous Tag and the papers are fab just perfect lorriane :)
    Val xxx

  18. great tag love the pretty papers.
    holly x

  19. Fab tag - love the bright pinks!

  20. lovin all the pink and hot lips chickie...yummy! fabulous tag
