Monday 26 January 2009

Sweet Music

My wonderfully talented step daughter Brianna who is currently studying her BMsc at Glasgow University has just downloaded some new music onto her site & would so love if you popped over to have a listen & leave her a comment telling her what you think... does she have what it takes to make it.... would you buy her music.... she would really love to know...
Thank you to everyone who takes the time to listen... she is only 19 and we are so in awe at her voice every time we listen.. she knows the rules... if I shed a tear when I hear her sing she's done well.... how embarassed does she get with me at times... but I do love her dearly and wish her all the very best for her future career.. I've already booked my front seat tickets for her 1st concert...
She actually surprised me last year by recording an all time favourite of mine "Summertime" and she didn't tell me what she was up to... simply let me play & list... That's my Bree for you...
Lorraine xxx


  1. What an Amazing voice. If I could just carry a tune, I'd be happy.

  2. Opera is my passion so I had to go and listen. Bree has a wonderful, light voice with a beautiful tone to it. She's very talented and I have no doubt she'll go far with her career. I loved Cosi.

    I see she has some famous friends too, lol. Go Bree.
