Tuesday 20 January 2009

Sakura Glaze...

Well good morning again my lovely blogging buddies... well it's another wet overcast day here in Motherwell..... We did have some snow late yesterday afternoon that lay for a while before freezing over.... but thankfully in the early hours of this morning along came the rain & washed it all away....
I was a busy bee last night sorting through some craft stuff & organising others so by the time that was done I felt like doing a little something different to making a card... hhhmmmmm the mind wonders what could I do....
Well I had bought a cheap (approx £1.50) glass vase from the local supermarket so I decided to jazz it up a bit. What will I do????

Well I hope you like my transformation..... It is only a basic vase to which I added 3 floral peel offs & then coloured them in with my Sakura Glaze Pens. What a transformation from boring to beautiful... I'm sorry the pic is a bit crap but with no real daylight & having to avoid using the flash this is the best that I could do....
However, what I did think at the end of it all was, what a great little pressie this would make... we all know how hard this credit crunch is hitting & we're all watching our pennies, so what better a gift to give to someone than one you've made yourself... for £1.50 & 20 minutes of your time I think it's a great idea....
Right, me thinks it's time to get the housework done so I can squeeze some card making in this afternoon.... running behind with challenges so have some work to do....
Big hugs & happy crafting.
Lorraine xxx


  1. gorgeous...what a brilliant idea xxx

  2. Gorgeous vase Lorraine, looks much more expensive now :o)

    Hope you're having a good day.


  3. Hi Lorraine...

    Look's beautiful, what a difference.
    My son does glass painting on vase's with aqua paint's, hense the reason i have lots of them scattered around..lol..
    They really do transform bits and bobs beautifully..
    Hugs Angel

  4. Wow its fab Lorriane i did'nt know you could use those pens on glass :)
    Thanks for sharing Val xxx

  5. great idea and what a fab creation...just shows what you can do with these fabby Sakura pens

  6. Gorgeous Lorraine - I love it why you buy something cheap and jazz it up - you have done a wonderful job..it is so colourful and cheery.
    Think I will put the sakura pens on my wishlist. :)


  7. How beautiful. Great idea

  8. ohh this is gorgeous it makes it look so beautiful
    Tracy x

  9. Hi Lorraine this is so pretty i love the flowers.
    there is something for you on my blog
    holly x

  10. Quick gift idea, thanks for this inspiration!
