Wednesday 21 January 2009

A new card maker....

Good morning folks... I just had to share some fab news with you all.... well it's fab to me anyway.
Last night I was texting someone I met whilst in hospital (Pami), having our wee catch up gab as we do... we are going to meet up for lunch etc but right now the poor wee soul is recovering from surgery & trust me she's had a harder time than I've had...
Well before christmas we exchanged addresses so I could make her a card, she said oh I couldn't do that.... I buy all mine from the card factory....
Now bearing in mind that we are talking weeks back, not months, and last night she announced to me that guess what.... she is now making cards..... which is giving her something to do whilst recovering from surgery and hey.... she's loving it & has already started selling them in a childrens shop.... how fab is that.... I'm so happy for her.
Just goes to show how addictive this card making really is... so needless to say, upon hearing that I said ohhhh you should start blogging.... poor lass was jumping on the computer at 11.30pm last night to start browsing through blogs...
All I can say is watch this space as we may soon have a newbie in blogland... if so, I will let you all know so that you can pop over & say hi to her...
Pami, if you're reading this my lovely, well done you.....
Managed to get a lot of my craft room sorted yesterday so I'm about half way there... yippee.... never got any cards made though so I'm off to start now, amongst other things ie, housework, so will be back in a few hours with some challenge cards...
Happy crafting
Lorraine xxx


  1. Hi Lorriane, Thats great people just dont know what they are missing out on do they so good for Pammi hope she starts blogging too :)
    I have something for you Here.
    Hugzz Val xxx

  2. Hi Lorriane xxx thats brilliant news about your friend xx
    i am sure she will be welcomed in to blog land with open arms
    hope you are ok
    hugs Dawnxx

  3. such good news to have another convert to card making. Tell Pami if I can learn to blog anyone can.

  4. That's brilliant news about your friend Lorraine - hope she does set up a blog! Just to let you know I have something over on my blog for you hunni. Just my way of saying thanks.

  5. Hi hun, blogging is contagious, and is going to cause a nationwide outbreak lol!!!

    Emma xxx

  6. Aww that's great news - it is so addictive and wow she is getting some sold too - brilliant!
