Wednesday 14 January 2009

A new Award

Well I have the wonderful Sharon to thank for passing this award on to me today... thank you honey it arrived on the perfect day...
I'm supposed to pass it on to 7 others but I have decided to pass it on to 10..... Sorry
These are 10 of the people who gave me so much support over the last 5 months during what was nothing less than traumatic for me.... these girls never failed to check in on me even when I wasn't able to blog I had phone calls & text messages... that's what you call true friends and that my fellow bloggers is what blogging is all about... we may not all get to meet but it doesn't mean that we can't support one another during the bad times.
There are many more of you out there who supported me but I'd have been here all day typing in names so although your name may not appear, please feel free to take this award as a gift from me to you....
Happy crafting
Lorraine xxx


  1. Thank you so much for this award but hey that's what friends are for

  2. Hiya!!
    Aww thanks Lorraine that is sooo nice of you to think of me!


    Did you get your order at the Glitterpot done..

  3. Oh thank you so much Lorraine. I value your friendship and support and am sure we shall meet before tooo long. Love Cynthia x

  4. Congratulations on your award!
