Friday 16 January 2009

Good Morning

Good morning yet again my lovely peeps and I sure hope your weather is better than mine, although going by the daily forecast I very much doubt it...This morning I have some drizzle... light grey skies & some wind... thankfully not too much and if it stayed this way rather than getting any worse I would be grateful. This is what I awoke to this morning 3 gorgeous awards, presented to me by Annie now what better way to start the day...

In return for receiving these gorgeous awards I have to tell you 5 things I am addicted to so here goes:

1. Caffeine (kick starts my morning whilst the computer is booting up)

2. Blogging

3. Card Making

4. Animals

5. Life (realised just how precious it was during my illness)

Next thing I have to do is pass them on to 5 others.... well this is always a hard thing to do, but today I have decided to pass them on to 5 people who are a bit more "Newbies".

1. Elaine

4. Jackie (currently recovering from surgery)

5. Liv

Please do pop over & visit these girls... we all know what it's like when we first started & you think that no-one ever wants to visit you or look at your work....

Well happy crafting in the meantime my best bloggy buddies & I'll be back later with some more creations....

Lorraine xxx


  1. wow thank you so much lorraine, I'm chuffed to bits

  2. Congratulations on your award. It is so cold here this morning -3.5 degrees

  3. Thank you very much for the award, not sure at the moment what it means, I am new to this kind of thing. back later to read more thoroughly.

  4. Wow, thanks very much for the award Lorraine! It sure is a great motivation to Newbies :)

  5. wow what fab candy! I have added you to my blog thanks
