Thursday 22 January 2009

Award Time Again

Ok here goes..... 3 awards today so I hope you've got a
cuppa to hand and a spare 5 mins to read this... you never know one of them could very well be heading your way....
This first one I received from the delightful Sharon and is the Lemonade award...
Anyway, the Lemonade Award is given by a previous winner to 5 people who have shown a great attitude or gratitude this week. It’s a great way to show these people that you appreciate them.All you have to do is:
1. Put the logo on your blog or post.
2. Nominate at least 5 blogs, which show great Attitude and/or Gratitude! Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.
3. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
4. Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received your award.I would like to pass this award along to the following people in appreciation of their great attitudes.
Now this is always difficult but to choose ones with attitude well that makes it even worse.. hence I have decided to award this to all of my followers.... yes guys you rock my world!!!!!!! Thank you....

Next up is the Encouraged Award passed to me by the delightful Angel... SHE IS A NEWBIE so if you guys could pop over to her blog & say hi then that would be wonderful... I know she would really appreciate hearing from you.... This one I have passed on before, but today I would like to pass it specifically to Gayle as she needs some encouragement to maintain her faith in friends at the moment...

Finally but by no means least I have been given this gorgeous award by not 1 but 2 lovelies... firstly our super wonderful Holly whom we all adore and also by the very warm & friendly Val. Both of whom I am glad to know...

This award I have decided to pass onto everyone who comes to visit & read my award as being a crafter, you are all Kreativ and without your wonderful creations which you all upload.. there would be no crafty blogs & my life would be very dull & boring... thank you all for your great inspiration & a lot of the time your humour as well....
Happy crafting & don't forget to lift your awards...
Lorraine xxx


  1. oh Lorraine, thanks so much for thinking of me. It's really appreciated.

  2. Its a pleasure visiting your blog...only just recently found you mind.
    Emma x

  3. anks for theawaand am sending it back your way sarahxxx

  4. Ah thanks that has made my day for the second time today, the first bweing Cynthia's Guest Designer. Hope all is well with you Hazel xox

  5. Hi honey...

    I have great faith in 'Friend C', and that's all I need.
    Thanks honey
    G x

  6. Dearest Lorraine..

    Thankyou soooo much... made my day...
    Hugs Angel

  7. thank your for this award.....Now I have something for you please check out my blog


  8. Thanks Lorraine for the awards!!!!!
    Hugs Emilie

  9. OH thanks that has cheered me up no end,


  10. How sweet of you to pass these awards onto all your readers and followers. I love the name of your blog too - although I live on the Wirral I am actually Glaswegian. It made me laugh when I first saw the name!!

    Love visiting,

    Caryn xxx

  11. thanks Lorraine thats made our day.
    hope you have a lovely weekend
    Tracy & Holly x
