Wednesday 28 January 2009

Arty Girlz Challenge

Well a little change for us all this week over at Arty Girlz as the challenge has been set to create and ATC.... now you can add this to a card if you want but still you've got to make one...
So some nice bright papers to get us in a happy mood, cut out some butterflies from another sheet, twirled some wire for antenna & mounted the butterflies for depth... to finish it all off a couple of flower sequins... simple...
If you're like me and don't normally make ATC's why not join in the fun for a little something different...
Happy crafting
Lorraine xxx


  1. Hi Lorraine this has really cheered me up this morning on this rainy,dull day! Beautiful hun. Pascale :)

  2. Love your ATC. The papers are great. Who makes them? The ATC would make a perfect card topper.

  3. Gorgeous Atc Lorraine love the bright colours and the butterflys are gorgeous.

    Thanks for joining in with the Arty Girlz challenge

    crissi xx

  4. What a gorgeous work! I make lots of ATCs and use them on the face of greetings cards. This one of yours would be a delightful birthday card. Love the beautiful papers.

  5. Great ATC Lorraine, really pretty!!
    Hugs Angel

  6. This is gorgeous Lorraine, and what pretty colours and it will make a stunning card topper if you decide to use it this way. Those papers are gorgeous.
    hugs Heather xx

  7. Gorgeous Lorrains love the papers very pretty :)
    Val xxx

  8. This is so beautiful Lorraine!!

    Thanks for joining in with another Arty Girlz challenge

    Julie xx

  9. oooo such pretty colours. Fantastic ATC x

  10. beautiful ATC, love the butterflies
    Hope you have a good week end
