Tuesday 6 January 2009

1st candy give away of 2009

A new year, a new start & good health to all.
Well as it's a new year & the last 5 months have been pretty crap for me, I've decided to start this year afresh & full of life... for this reason I have decided to share my happiness with you all by giving away some candy.
Up for grabs is this lovely Laura Ashley glittered scrapbook album... it is 12" x 12" and includes 10 top loading sheet protectors.
To be in with a chance of winning, here's what you need to do:
1. Join up as a follower of my blog
2. Place a link from your blog to my blog www.craftycoo.blogspot.com
3. Leave a comment here
It's as quick & simple as that and all international entries qualify too...
This candy will be up for grabs until 12 noon (GMT) on Wednesday 14th January 2009.
Happy crafting
Lorraine xxx


  1. Stunning candy Lorraine and very generous. I'm already a follower so i've popped a wee link on my blog to spread the word.

  2. Lorraine what fab candy i am already following your blog but I have added a link on my blog for you....

    Emma xxx

  3. Hi Lorraine...Your card is sooo `beautiful`...
    just like to `thankyou` sooooo much for your very sweet comments...much love to you and yours..Great to see you blooging again...
    Take Care:)~X~

  4. Hi Lorraine, that is a beautiful alnum, thanks for the chance to win it! I have linked to your candy here

  5. Awesome candy! I am already yr follower so I posted about yr candy on my blog:)) Greetings from Lucia

  6. Hi Lorriane, I am now a follower and have linked you on my blog :)
    Gorgeous candy and love your blog :)
    Val xxx

  7. Hi Lorraine, i only found your blog a week ago and already you have helped and inspired me, sorry to hear last year was not too good for you, wishing you a better 2009, I am already a follower or your blog and your lin is already on mine. Thanks for sharing your creations, they are truly fab. x x

  8. Gorgeous candy Lorraine & very good of you to start the year off in such a lovely manner!! I've been a follower & will now post a link to your fabby candy!! Hugs, Ann xx

  9. Hi Lorraine this is my first visit to your blog - found you through the Fiskarettes. :) Your blog is fabby and so is your candy..thanks for the chance of winning it. :)
    Sorry to hear you have had such a bad start to the new year...hope things birghten up and work out for you. :)

    Have linked you on my blog. :)


  10. Lorraine this is beautiful! I found your blog through the TYI challenge this week! I'm following you now, and have blogged about your giveaway here. Thank you!

  11. Hi Lorraine I became a disciple yesterday and I am just going to post a link on my blog to your blog now!!! Lovely candy! Pascale :)

  12. Hi Lorraine , what a beautiful album, it's gorgeous. How can you bear to give that away ?? or did you buy 2 !! :-)
    I've posted a link and put a pic on my blog

  13. Great blog Lorraine. Have added a link to my blog for your candy. Off for a nosey round!

  14. I have become a follower and have added your candy to my side bar.. Love the album

  15. The album is lovely and so are all of your crafty creations! I have posted a link to your blog in my sidebar and have also added myself as a follower. Thanks for the chance to win!

  16. My first visit and you are offering wonderful candy. I am proud to post a link on my blog and I am now a follower. I will be back to visit you soon. thanks for the chance at the candy, and also thanks to you for sharing what you love.Linda Crowder Ferris, Tx USA

  17. Lovely blog candy! I have followed your blog and added a link to your blog

  18. I have added your blog to mine, wow some great ideas on your blog.
    Hope 2009 is a better year for you.

  19. gorgeous cards! have added a link on my lhs of my blog.

  20. what a gorgeous album lorraine , already am a stalker em follower and just off to put a link!

  21. Hi! Very beautiful album! Now I am a follower and I am going to link your blog candy to my sidebar!

  22. Congratulations, what a nice blog!!!!!I've linked your blog:


    and I'm your follower!

    Thanks for the chance!!!!

  23. Hi Lorraine, This is the first time I have visited your blog. This is a gorgeous scrapbook and I have been admiring it in The Range for several weeks now but have resisted lol! I have left a link on my blog and become a follower. Lisa x

  24. Hi this is my first visit to your lovely blog, fab candy would love to be entered, I have started to follow you and will put a link to your candy on my sidebar. I also have candy up for grabs if your interested. Donna x

  25. Hi! I'm your follower now and Wow! I want to enter in the giveaway, so i post in my blog your link :D


  26. Hi! I'm your follower now and Wow! I want to enter in the giveaway, so i post in my blog your link :D


  27. Hi! Great candy, love to win! I became your follower, i linked you on my blog! Gorgeous card you made! Hugs, Moni

  28. Hi Lorraine this is lovely blog candy! I've put a link on my side bar for you.Thanks for the chance to win.
    Hugs Lynsey:)

  29. What a truley delicious looking scrapbook to fill with all the good things that are going to happen for me and my family this year,That is a fact my new years resolution) the past 2 years have been hell for my family and especially me. bring it on 2009 for the bradybunch lol

  30. Hiya mrs

    Sorry I haven't been about as late, hospital stays, health problems, kids oh the list goes on and on .......... but hopefully after this week everything might get onto a better key. would love it if u put my name in the hat for the lovely album, would just make my day :-)

    Will get in contact with u soon on a more personal method.

    God Bless You


  31. Your give-away is really great! I'm your follower now, I put the link on my sidebar and now I just have to hope to win!!!! Thanks for the chance!

  32. Here is the link where I left a link to youre blog candy giveaway.
    This is a great blog candy giveaway.You can contact me through my blog or at joanshanks@eastlink.ca


  33. hi

    Happy New Year. I am with you on hoping that the new year will bring better times ! Here's to hoping ;-) AND keeping my fingers crossed.
    hugs Annita
    linked to my blog herehttp://paperartbyannita.blogspot.com/

  34. Wonderufll blog candy!! I really adore it!
    I'm off to link you at my sidebar!


  35. WOW!! Fantastic Candy!
    Thanks for chance to win it!
    I've put a link on my

  36. Fantastic Blog! Thanks for chance to win it! I've put a link on my blog!
