Tuesday 9 December 2008

Our Buddy

This here is the latest addition to our family & he just managed to acquire the name Buddy due to the fact that on the day he arrived my OH kept speaking to him & calling him Buddy... funny how things stick ain't it!
Well this little man arrived 2 weeks past on Sunday. The family he was with originally had loved him then when they became bored they shut him in a shed... thankfully someone went to check on him & found him in a shed approx 3 inches deep with his own dirt, no food & no water... poor wee mite was nothing but skin & bone... the girl who found him decided no way was this poor bunny staying there so she simply lifted him & left taking him to her own home for a week and giving him loads of love. She was unable to keep him herself as she has a ferret so asked if we would oblige by taking him in... well we did have a spare cage & find it oh so hard when someone asks & we don't have anywhere to house them. Well when this wee darling arrived he was still well underweight & done nothing but eat & sleep and that is no exaggeration... he would actually wear out just with eating food...
Now I am glad to report that 2 weeks on from coming to live with his new mummy & daddy, he can tell a much different story. Weight has been gained, we can now stay alert during the day although we do still love to throw ourself onto our side for a long deep nap & then in the evenings he loves nothing more than to come out & have a run around the living room chinning everything in sight...
I really do wish that people would realise the extent of care that these wee animals require, they are not made to sit in a cage all day long with nothing but straw... they require regular exercise to maintain their health & also a well balanced diet & clean environment...
Hope you love Buddy as much as we do.
Lorraine xxx


  1. Hiya Lorraine

    Aww this is so sad - how can people do that to animals they should have been reported to RSPCA! Grrrr!!!
    It's amazing how he got found the poor wee thing must have wondered why that had happened to him, Lorraine you are an angel for taking him in and loving him like a rabbit should be loved!!! LOL
    He is the cutest wee thing and boy has he landed on his lucky paws!!!


  2. You are a very generous gal. He is very lucky to have you. Well done. He issss beautiful.


    Beth f

  3. awww Lorraine i have just been looking at your blog and found this gorgeous pic of buddy he is just adorable. I'm so pleased he was found and now has such a lovely home to live in :)
    Tracy x
