Wednesday 3 December 2008

Good Morning

Well what a lovely morning it is here, beautiful blue sky but.... yes thick with ice and freezing cold.... don't you just love these kinds of days so long as you don't have to leave the house.. at the moment I'm sat in my nightie & huge pink house coat all wrapped around so I'm very warm indeed...
Sorry I haven't got anything posted but yesterday was a very busy day which left me nothing less than exhausted. Had an appointment at the hospital about a shoulder injury I received almost 4 years ago during a hit & run but lo & behold still trying to find out exactly what damage was done... you see it droops, my scapula is now winged and my collar bone protrudes slightly. Well my appointment was at 10am so off I trotted at 9.20am thinking I would be home by 11am at the latest... How dare I think my day would run smoothly... Infact I got home again at 12.25pm at which time I had to ram half a roll down my throat (hadn't eaten all day) and I had a workshop starting at 1pm so everything got thrown in the car & off I set with my travel mug full of coffee...
Fun was had by all at the workshop then I had to pack up & return home as quickly as possible as I didn't fancy being on the roads when the ice came down again... thus by the time I unloaded the car I was worn out...
Whilst at the hospital I had to do all these stretches including touching my hands above my head with my arms straight & had to hold a huge canister filled with water to weight my arm whilst having x-rays done... now normally that would be fine but whilst recovering from surgery and not being able to stretch properly for months and not supposed to hold anything over 2lbs in weight at the moment, I quite simply slumped into the sofa for the rest of the evening...
Alas this morning I have to make 2 sympathy cards, a birthday card & one for a new baby... Sadly an old work colleague of mine has just lost his father & a very very close friend has sadly lost her mum. Both of these people were ill at the time of passing & thankfully they passed pain free so for that we have to be grateful.. My thoughts are very much with those left behind at this time...
Off now to make a start on the day & I will join in a challenge as soon as I have a minute... won't be long I promise...
Happy crafting
Lorraine xxx


  1. Cor what a day hun.... sounds exhausting and not tooo much fun. hope you get your shoulder sorted soon!!
    Icy here today too...almost fell on my butt twice trying to get to the car and we're supposed to expect snow tomorrow :(
    Anyway there's a little sumfink on my blog for ya and an invite to the
    Chris xx

  2. God Lorraine - A hit and run that must have been terrible and you sound like you had an exhausting day - Hope you're taking it easy this weekend...

