Friday 5 December 2008

Good Morning Just

Well just a quick note to say good morning to everyone on this yet another fine british morning... if anyone has sunshine please let me know so I know that someone somewhere is not looking out on dark clouds...
Currently sat here in my pj's & fluffy housecoat paying bills & trying to do some online christmas shopping. Due to my operation I have the best part of cancelled christmas this year as I don't have the energy to deal with it all the moment but you do always have those presents that must be bought & now I'm worried that I won't find what I want... Thus for a few hours today my bum is going to be sat here putting stuff in shopping baskets (hopefully the companies will gift wrap too)....
Silly me also lost my challenge list yesterday so alas no cards made at the moment to upload but I have now got my list again so will get something posted later...
Off to shop in my slippers & pj's now, back soon.
Happy crafting
Lorraine xxx

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lorraine
    How you feeling?
    Sounds like my kind of morning - what a great way to shop for Xmas presents!
    Hope you got what you wanted!

