Wednesday 31 December 2008

2009 is fast approaching !!!!!!

A very good morning to all of you wonderful people out there in blogland.....
Another apology from me for not having blogged over the last few weeks but life ended up in turmoil before christmas as it does for all of us but you will be glad to know I did manage to do some christmas shopping (immediate family only this year) but I also managed to make around 80 cards which was good going for me... In addition to that, the week before christmas I was at the hospital 3 days in a row, nothing bad, Mon for my shoulder, Tues for my post op check & Wed for hubby. You know how long it takes when you visit the hospital though so these visits ran into hours. In addition to that on the Tuesday I had my final workshop to run so time was really not on my side that week.
Alas christmas has come & gone for yet another year and I so hope that you all had a marvellous time with your friends & family. Was Santa good to you???? Since christmas I have been resting up as all the running around beforehand didn't go down well with my stomach which decided to swell up & stay up so have been getting it back under control again as I plan to have a very busy time of it in 2009. Too much of this year has been lost (1st admitted to hospital on August 21st) hence I've basically been sat on my back side for 4 months now with lots of restrictions on my movements. Time to move on now me thinks although I do have to be careful for another 6-8 weeks as according to the surgeon that is approx how much longer my internals require to heal....
This has been a good year for me in some ways as I have been accepted as a demonstrator for Fiskars & Marking World (Sakura) but due to my ill health I will be glad to put this year behind me know. For all of you out there who have had health problems also I sure hope that 2009 is better for you. Stay strong & stay well....
Well now that you all know I am still in the land of the living and not been abducted by aliens I will bid you all a fond farewell for 2008... May 2009 be a much healthier & wealthier year for one and all...
Remember the new Sugar Bowl kick starts tomorrow so make sure you all come along & join in the fun...
In finishing off my speech for 2008 may I close by saying a huge huge thank you to all of you out there who have supported me through my ill health. Both my hubby & I have been left amazed at the messages of support I have received on my blog, by email & by gorgeous handmade cards.... It even continued through to the Christmas cards and may I tell you that these cards all have pride of place in my living room and my visitors have a ball looking at them all in detail.
THANK YOU & HAPPY NEW YEAR WHEN IT ARRIVES.......... speak to you all in 2009.
Happy crafting
Lorraine xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


  1. A very happy and healthy 2009 to you and yours.

    Keep up the good work.

    take care

    chriss x

  2. Wishing you a happy and healthy 2009....hope to meet up again soon

  3. Heather I wish you all the best for the coming year and lots of happy crafting too.

