Wednesday 19 November 2008

Look what I got...

Now how lucky am I to have received this absolutely gorgeous card in the post full of well wishes from the lovely Ann (Ickle Haggis)
Now the really funny part of it is that yesterday morning when I was trying to do a little blog hopping I popped over to Anns blog, saw this lovely card & left a comment. Low & behold when my postie finally arrived mid afternoon what did he bring for me but this exact card... had a little chuckle to myself. Isn't it just a gorgeous card & the colours are so lovely to look at that they really brighten the day...
Thank you oh so much to Ann for thinking of me & if you've never visited her blog before please pop over now for much more inspiration.
Hope one & all are having a fantastic day, I know I am...
Lorraine xxx

1 comment:

  1. Aw shucks - thanks Lorraine!! So glad it arrived & you were pleased with it!! Take care & feel better soon.

    Ann xxx
