Monday 6 October 2008

Sweet blog award

Yet another fabby award I received whilst in the depths of despair over my ill health, this time from the wonderful Chris . Now when I saw this award I immediately thought of one person and I think it was something to do with the colour combo... I would like to present this award to Gayle who like many of you has been a tower of strength to me over the last few weeks... I know she has already received this award but I simply must give it to her...

Happy crafting

Lorraine xxxx


  1. Hello Lorraine,

    This is the 1st time I have been over onto your blog... love the eye candy.
    congratulations on your award well deserved.
    You can find both Chris and I on thepapergrls blog we work together.
    Nice to put a face to a name.
    take care
    chriss x

  2. Aw sweetpea...
    A tower of strength huh???? Who'd have thunk it...I'm really touched. Sorry I haven't been around for a few days...potty training trauma!!! (Now there's something I never thought I would say) I think it's all done and dusted. Have been posting my blog days in advance, as haven't had time to do anything new. Will write or txt before Monday.
    Gayle x
