Tuesday 28 October 2008

HELLO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry this is short & brief but as you know I am still recovering from my op & this is only my 2nd day sitting at the computer. Boy do I wish I had one of those lush computer chairs instead of the basic hardly any padding ones that I infact have. Not much meat on my bones at the best of times but feeling it all just now....
What a huge thank you I owe to one & all of you for all the good wishes I have received....
Haven't yet managed to get back to crafting yet but I am going to make an attempt today as Kath brought me such a delicious goody bag that temptation is becoming too much for me.... It does include Heidi Grace papers etc so boy is my heart going to break using them but hey it wold be such an insult if I just stared at & stroked my gorgeous gift....
Now I'm going to tell you a tale of two woes...... this proves what a true dedicated friend Kath truly is as she never shared this story but I have to as I feel so guilty over it & you will understand why....
My bestest crafting buddy comes to visit on Friday evening after a long hard days work at the SECC, and along with her brings a fantastic bag of goodies for me..... yummy yummy yummy and just what the doctor ordered... we ate our fish suppers & chatted away catching up on all the news & Kath was filing me on on Ann's progress after her operation... what a fab time I was having. Then came time for Kath to return to her hotel.... time for disaster to strike.... this was my first time out of the house & going in the car since I got out of hospital... Off to the car we went, me all wrapped up & Rob putting a cushion on the seat for me to sit on & another over my belly to keep the seat belt away from my wound... Now mother hen Kath is making sure I'm all strapped in safe & sitting comfortable before the journey begins.... The journey begins, with the first stop being the petrol station to fill up the tank.... Brrrmmmm goes the engine as we embark, out of the estate we drive, along the road we go, a left hand turn to the main road then a right hand turn to get to the garage..... boy it's getting hot in here me thinks so asks Rob to turn the heating down.... Gosh I'm sweating now (is it panic) not sure, take deep breaths me thinks & all will be okay.... Finally we reach the petrol station & Rob exits the car.... Big momma Kath rolls into action as always... "are you sure you're ok?????" "I feel really ill" I reply, "but don't want to panic Rob" I says.... Breath deep me thinks as Kath is trying to get me to tell her how to put the seat back so that I can be in a laid down position.... Too late me thinks as I throw open the car door feeling as though I am going to vomit. Beware the wound me thinks !!! Oh no what am I going to do I panics as I'm trying to roll out the car without hurting myself... out I pops with my poor hubby wondering what the hell is going on... next thing I know I'm doubled in two pain shooting through me, tears rolling down my face with Kath on one end & Rob on the other helping to support me so I don't hit the deck.... well what happened to me then.... I was successful in popping two of my internal stitches, thankfully not at the same place so should be ok..... they huckled me back into the car to get me home asap.... what happened to Kath well here goes.....
Poor Kath remained at the garage where the assistant said she would call her a taxi to get back to her hotel............
How mortified am I that my dearest friend who took time to visit & bring me gorgeous goodies, was left abandoned at a petrol station, in a town she doesnt' know, to get a taxi back to her hotel............. no-one will ever feel the pain I did over this......
Kath being Kath has not shared this on her blog with anyone but as part of my way of making amends to her I decided to give her a huge public apology via my blog.
Kath my darling, you know how very special you are to me. You have held my hand through many things over the last year & are only ever a phone call away.... for what happened on Friday night I am so deeply sorry & give you my solemn promise in front of everyone in blogland that I will make this up to you....
Thank you for being such a true friend........... I love you with all my heart......... Sorry......
Well folks, that's enough from me today, hell I can't burn the brain out on the first day with typing..... I have to keep something in the hopes I can get some creativity going today.
Will try to pop on tomorrow again & in the meantime, happy crafting to one & all...... it's good to be back even if it's limited.
Lorraine xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


  1. So glad to see you're recovering well Lorraine.Please take it easy though.I had major abdominal surgery back in January and it took me 12 weeks to get back to normal.I'm sure Kath was more concerned for you at the time.She is indeed a lovely lady,as I was lucky enough to meet her.
    Looking forward to seeing you back blogging and making gorgeous crafty projects.
    Take Care
    Cass xxx

  2. Aw how lovely to read this Lorraine..Kath is a gem:)
    Well so glad your feeling a lot better
    Take Care:)~X~

  3. Awwww, Lorraine! You poor thing!! I can't speak for Kath, but I'm pretty confident of how she'll respond.

    Great to see you back on the blog, but PLEEEEEEZZZ don't overdo it.

    Big hugs to you,
    Chris xx

  4. Aww Lorraine I know how you must be feeling but I'm sure Kath will not give it a second thought - you were in pain and had no choice but to get home.

    Glad you're recovering but take good care!


  5. Excuse me Mrs Blabbermouth...you have absolutely nothing to apologise for.. forget it..I've been to the other ends of the world....a little cab ride to Glasgow ain't nothing.
    Great to see you back in action and have you tried a cushion on that hard chair.
    Love you

  6. So glad to know you are doing well xxx
    its always nice to have special people in your life and Kath is one of them (she is fab) xxxxxDawnxx
