Saturday 16 August 2008

Poppets Birthday

Firstly I do apologise for the layout of the pictures but I've never managed to figure out quite how this thing works when it comes to uploading numerous pics. If anyone can give me any hints or tips they would be very gratefully received.

However I've gone ahead anyway and done the best I can to let you all see what I have made for my friends little girls birthday. She turns 4 today and thought that I would do something a littl different to your normal everyday basic card.

The centre of the card flips over hence there are 4 views available for the centre depending if you are showing the back or front (there actually isn't any back or front, just depends how you position it). Both outside layers have been glued together for stability so they don't flip.

It has been decorated with a variety of papers & card varying from free papers out of a magazine, Funky Hand papers, Heidi Grace & Bazzill. The "4 TODAY" letters are all from Funky Hand and the chipboards are from a fantastic value pack that I bought from Create & Craft just over a year ago. They really were fantastic value for money as they worked out at about £1 per sheet & they retail in the shop for either £1.99 or £2.99, (can't quite remember) only know I made a massive saving.

The whole thing then folds together & is tied together with a lovely bright bow.
I didn't ink the edges or anything as she is only 4 so I decided to keep the colours & edges bright & bold for her. Still got some little
gems to add for that final bit of bling so off to do that now before I go shopping....
Happy crafting :-)


  1. Fabulous set of cards! They're stunning!

  2. Oh, its beautful, I'm sure she'll love it!

  3. What a gorgeous birthday card for a 4 year old - she will love it.
    Now don't ask me about uploading heaps of drives me mad at times...why do they never appear on your blog like they look on's a nightmare...something mr bloggy needs to sort out....that's my rant for the day.

  4. Oh Lorraine I'm so glad I'm not the only person to struggle with uploading lots of pictures.It took me over an hour this morning to do my post.I could have torn my hair out.Love the card.Looks like a complicated piece of engineering to Gorgeous bright colours and perfect for a 4 year old.

    Cass xxx

  5. thanks for signing the petition - you did a wonderful thing... yes you did!

  6. Aww this is lovely Lorraine - great card for a wee one!
