Saturday 9 August 2008

Arty Girlz

The challenge set this week by Arty Girlz was "Vintage". Oh the mind boggles on what to do!!!
I've ended up working on the "Gold Rush era."

Ended up catching sight of my metal leaf & decided to run with that. The card is based around the "gold rush" era.... Tore & aged the papers by inking, used lots of my metal leaf, attached Prima flowers in the kind of colours that pretty town ladies wore as their clothing & created the centre of them again using my metal leaf.

Yesterday was a bit overcast although the temperature was okay, forecast for the weekend is rain & I'm suffering from PMS so I actually enjoyed making this card with all the ripping involved.

Off out for a little retail therapy today I think or perhaps just lunch with hubby, will see what I feel like when we leave, then back home for some more challenges.

Wherever you are, whatever you're doing, have a fab weekend....


  1. Hi Mrs, sorry I haven't been around lately its just been mad here with weddings, christmas card orders, kids etc. I love your card and I think what you have used and done with it is just brilliant. Anyway got to go as I'm working tonight AGAIN and don't seem to have any time at the minute to craft. Hope to get it sorted when the kids start school again, lots of hugs and kisses to you and all your family, Karen

  2. I love everything about this card. The textures and colors are beautiful. I have left a little somthing for you on my blog.

  3. This is wonderful when i first looked i thought you had used material then read it papers, love the flowers, the piece looks like it has so much texture.

    Thanks for joining in with the Arty Girlz challenge.

    crissi xx

  4. Ooh love this.
    Check my blog for a surprise
    Love Cynthia x

  5. Fabulous card and ripping and tearing is good for the soul or so they have got the challenge bug big time....go gal

  6. Wow this is absolutely stunning.
    Brilliant card. Love them.

  7. This is fantastic Ithought it was material too at first you've really achieved a beautiful effect the texture looks gorgeous

    Thanks for joining in with this weeks Arty Girlz challenge

    Julie xx
