Thursday 3 July 2008

What a great day

Well folks, sorry I never managed to get any blogging done yesterday but that's because I was too busy having a great day. My day started off with a visit to the Markingworld warehouse as I had a little business meeting there for which I will hopefully be able to share more with you at a later date. In the meantime though I can tell you that there are two fabulous shows coming up on Create & Craft showing some marvellous techniques using your Sakura Pens. So make sure you either watch or record these shows.

Upon returning home the big TNT lorry followed closely behind with some more goodies to add to my Fiskars Kit (more for me to play with.) The post man then arrived & included in yesterdays mail were some lovely cards donated to the Maggies Centre by Bev & all I can say is Wow.... I do admire her work so much.

Then after all that excitement, a car pulled up outside my house & there was I wondering who the strange face was coming towards my door with a huge parcel in hand. Wait for this..... It was the lovely Gayle who lives close to me, so she had actually taken the time to hand deliver her cards to me which she is donating to Maggies Centre.

We appreciate all cards donated to our appeal but I would like to say a major huge thanks to Gayle as she has absolutely excelled here & did infact donate 27 cards to us... All of which are truly stunning...

Thank you Gayle & Bev.

Alas little time was left for crafting once all the housework etc was done so here are some of the cards that I managed to start (there are 7 in total) but they have still to be finished off later today.


  1. yeah 'strange face' would be right Lorraine, and wearing my daughters lunch all down my new top!!! Ah the joys...Anything for 'the cause'
    Hope to see you soon...
    Gayle x

  2. Big thank you to Bev and Gayle and I can't believe how many cards I have now...will have to hire a lorry to deliver them..and yes I got my parcel from Fiskars too. and some gorgeous new if I need more ribbon...can't resist.


  3. Have always loved elephants since having the privilege of seeing them in the wild in Kenya in the sixties. These remind me of some of my David Shepherd prints.

    Heather xx
