Friday 25 July 2008

I'm Back

Well hello everyone, sorry I haven't been about the last week but things have been a bit hectic over the last week & none of my days have gone to plan. However, things getting back on track again so will do my best to make up for it over the next week or so....


  1. Hi Lorraine
    Good to have you back, was wondering where you'd got to, then thought you must have been enjoying the sun!!!
    I 'enjoyed' the sun a little too much yesterday and am now a lovely shade of 'lobster'. Red hair, fair skin...what was I thinking???? Staying indoors and playng with 'stash' is a much safer option.
    Hope to see another post very soon.
    Gayle x

  2. Hi Lorraine
    there is something for you on my blog
    have a lovely day
    Holly xx
