Monday 28 July 2008

Great Monday

What a lovely start I've just had to my week.... logged in today to find that the gorgeous Holly had nominated me for an award...

Had taken the weekend off at my hubby's request as it was our 3rd wedding anniversary on Friday & he wanted us to spend some quality time together. Oh he can be sweet afterall when the mood takes him.... normally we don't get caught up in the monetary value thing of it all but I got a huge surprise this year as when he came home from work on Friday he had a huge M&S bag with him with some lovely Per Una clothes for me, a new pair of jeans, a lovely new 3 in 1 top in orange & the most gorgeous light weight coat in a fab moss green.... I'm a lucky girl.....

Anyway, back to my new award & firstly I would like to say a huge thank you to the lovely Holly please do pay her a visit as she's always a very busy little girl coming up with new cards all the time.

It's the Wylde Women award and the rules are .
1. You can give it to one or one hundred or any number in between - it's up to you. Make sure you link to their site in your post.
2. Link back to this blogsite (http:// so Tammy can go visit all these wonderful women.and remember the Purpose of the Award: To send love and acknowledgment to women who brighten your day, teach you new things and live their lives fully with generosity and joy.

I have decided to nominate all the people who have sent me cards for my friends Maggies Centre appeal: Bev, Gayle, Mandy, Alison, M.Hicken, Anne-Marie, Vicki, Muriel, Sam, Chris,
this is just to say an extra special thank you to all these ladies for taking the time to help us....

Whoever you are, wherever you are, hope you all have a fab day.

Lorraine xxx


  1. Very honorable, thank you so much :) Thoroughly deserved by you and Kathy for organising this too :)

  2. Thank you so much hun, so sweet of you xxx

  3. Wow what a fab anniversary pressie - you have got him well trained...nice to see you back.
