Friday 18 July 2008

Fiskarettes Sketch

Well the lovely Chris over at Fiskarettes was speaking of the advantages of sketches this week, and put one of her own on the blog. She placed an open invite for anyone to use it & challenged poor Kath to see what she could come up with. As per Kath, we have now all been instructed to create something using the sketch & for those of you who know her, well, you do not go against what Big Mamma Kath tells you..... She might steal my teddy bears otherwise.
Anyway, I was making some Fiskars samples this week so was right up my street as I already had all my products out & this is what my final creation looks like.
Off to pop it onto the Fiskarettes blog now so if you haven't visited them you should do as something new is uploaded every day...


  1. Well Mrs... Mamma Kath has spoken and as usual nobody has listened apart from you my bestest crafty mate..
    love you

  2. Hi Lorraine
    There's a little pressie on my blog for you, hope you're well.
    Gayle x

  3. This is soooo lovely - looks like you put such a lot of work into it.

  4. You did wonders with the sketch Lorraine, your card is a credit to it, so beautiful:)
    Chris xx
