Thursday 31 July 2008

Cards for Maggies Centre

Well today is the day that I agreed to stop the appeal for the Maggies Centre & may I just say what an amazing response there has been to it.... I will leave the appeal at the bottom of my page for another week for those cards which are still in the post, then a name will be drawn for some lovely goodies to be shipped to that person.

A huge thanks goes to everyone who helped out by sending cards for the appeal, I too received numerous lovely handmade cards which were a delight & surprise for me and I actually had one person enclose a little pressie for the woman who is battling the cancer.

All cards will now be shipped off to the Maggies Centre & I'm sure they will be able to raise loads of cash by selling these lovely creations you have all taken the time to send. They do such a lot of good work & it is carried out solely on donations so again THANK YOU.................

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