Friday 20 June 2008


Whilst at the Create & Craft Experience I had a very interesting talk with a retailer over the colour yellow. She was saying that no matter what she gets into the shop be it card, flowers etc the one colour that she never sells is yellow. Why is that???

Are we too scared to use such a bright colour? Have we gotten into a habit of using more muted colour schemes? After the conversation, I realised that I was one of those people who never uses yellow so I decided it was time to change that & off I went to find goodies that I could use. The card stock is pale yellow, the background paper as you can see is canary yellow, both of which I inked with a relatively mellow blue, attached using yellow brads. Using a big shot die I cut three tags, inked again & then used Woodware rubber stamps for the greeting & design. The flower heads etc coloured in using Sakura Moonlight pens, a small blue gem was added as a flower centre & blue & yellow ribbon added.

I must admit I did enjoy playing with a colour that I'm not used to & you will probably see more of it on my blog now. What colour do you avoid most, think about it & go on have a play with it.


  1. Well yellow's not a colour I would use either but hey it's worked great cards

  2. These are lovely & yellow is a fave colour of mine & I've just ordered yellow ink pad from Ranger!!! xx
