Monday 30 June 2008

Tag You're It Challenge

Think I've got a little bit of nature flowing through me today, most things seem to be based on natural materials & quotes.

Well for this weeks challenge from
Tag You're It, the theme was "Favourite Quote or Family Image". I decided to go with Favourite Quote as I just love this one & often trying to remember it as I'm going through my hectic life. This is one we should all live our life by.

" Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience " by Ralph Waldo Emerson


  1. Wow what a fab tag - just gorgeous and love that quote - but hey if only we lived by that principle.

  2. Oh gosh, I wish I could take heed of this quote!! Love all the grungy distressing and the metallic shimmer, all just beautifully done! Thanks so much for taking part in this challenge :)

  3. Oooh, my most favourite 'Quote Person' I always think that man must have just wandered around all over the place throwing out deep and inspirational quotes all over the place!!! LOL! This is fab Lorraine - very Holtzy'ish. I 'specially love the addition of the copper plate! Thanks so much for playing along! ;o) xx

  4. Brilliant tag & what a lovely quote too xx

  5. Oh your tag is gorgeous:0x

  6. Great tag, great quote! What a stylish lady you are!

    Heather xx
