Tuesday 17 June 2008

Stephanie Weighman Workshop

Here is the lovely card we made in our workshop with the delighful Stephanie Weightman. After last years experience we all cried out for a workshop in painting but as it takes some time to learn the technique she uses, she made us all a lovely CD with some of the paintings she has done. For those of you have never seen her paint you don't know what you are missing. The card is 2 sheet of A4 paper with a quarter of the page removed, a vellum strip to act as the horizontal border, 2 strips of red card for the vertical borders & piramage. All of this was enclosed in an acetate bubble. The 2 sheets of card were stuck together on the left hand border the vellum border attached along with the piramage, when this was in place we then attached a sheet of acetate over the whole card so that it produced a bubble at the front to protect the image. Once this was in place we used the 2 red borders to hide the attachment. Finally 2 holes were puched in the left hand side & ribbon threaded through. Very quick & simple to make.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful card Lorraine, I love the look of pyramage :) Oh and I love your kitty, looks just like one I used to have called Panda :)
