Friday 27 June 2008

Joanna Sheen

This is a picture I will treasure forever as I am such a Joanna Sheen fan. The pic was taken on the Sunday afternoon during the closing speeches & I was lucky enough to be standing next to Joanna & she agreed to have her pic taken. From left to right we have another two crafty scots Maureen & Linda, Joanna, Me & Sara Davies from Crafters Companion. It's one of the lovely things about the weekend is that you actually have time to have a proper conversation with these people.


  1. Such a happy bunch and although I've never met Joanna she seems so down to earth and really good fun

  2. Fab photo Lorraine & it's nice to put a face to the name!! Nice to 'meet you'!!! xxx

    PS - I love Joanna too & have all her cds & a few dvds too!!

  3. Joanna is a big fave with me, too... How cool to get her pic! :o)

    Right.. now.. I have an embarassing confession to make..

    Ahem.. I added your blog to my Blog Buddies list, so it would be separate from my massive blogroll, and would be guaranteed a visit at least every other day. And visit I did, every other day at least, but there were no new messages.

    And then I realised. The link I had added was for just one post, so I wasn't catching anything you posted since. (blush) How stupid am I? lol (shaking head in disbelief at myself!!)

    Now I have to go and catch up!! Thank God you don't have word verification!! lol ;o)

    Heather xx
