Monday 23 June 2008

I've been tagged.....

My ever so faithful friend Kath has decided to tag me. So now I have to answer 5 questions & pass it on. Here goes.

1. What was happening 10 years ago:
Well that was an awful time in my life (sorry to depress you all), I had just gone through a nasty divorce which lasted for 2 years, was mourning for my Dad who I sadly lost in 1997 but on a brighter note I was building a new loving relationship with my now hubby Rob.

2. Name 5 things to do today:
Housework, washing, ironing, tag some lovely people & make some Fiskars samples for my upcoming demo.

3. Snacks I enjoy:
Cheese & biscuits every time with some nice green grapes on the side.

4. Things I would do if I were a millionaire:
Bank the money to use the interest to pay for things. Open a craft shop where I could have all my favourites under one roof.

5. Places I have lived:
Well that's really easy. I lived in Hamilton for all of 18 months about 8 years ago and apart from that I have always been in Motherwell.

Now that I'm finished sharing, it's time to pass it on to some other lovely crafters. Here goes, Gayle Cass Kerry Ann & Christy . Sorry girls but it's time to share.....

Lorraine xxx


  1. Come check out my answers!

  2. Oh you are very nawty Lorraine - LOL!! Will have to get work on some answers for you now xx
