Wednesday 4 June 2008

Blog Candy Give Away

Good News................
Being relatively new to Blogging, I'm learning more each day so I've decided it's time to try my hand at giving away some blog candy. As this is my first time I'm had to wrack my brain to come up with your challenge but I've now decided (the answer is somewhere in my blog).

The challenge is:

What 2 Create & Craft celebrities attended my craft group?

The winner will be chosen at random by my hubby Rob on Wednesday 11th June so hurry now & get your answers in fast.


  1. Well guess who just has to be first
    the answers are

    Stephanie Weightman
    Amanda Bateman

    have I won...!!!!!

  2. Hi there Lorraine
    thanks so much for stopping by my blog and leaving your lovely comments, well I have dug deep into the bowels of your blog!!! LOL and your C&C visitors were Amanda Bateman and Stephanie weightman - Lucky You!!!
    Your cards are lovely , will come back soon..

  3. Hi Lorraine, just found your blog from Kath's blog.

    The answer is Amanda Bateman & Stephanie Weightman

  4. Oh! I think it was Amanda and Bateman and Stephanie Weightman!

  5. Oooh, let me see..... That would be Stephanie Weightman & Amanda Bateman! lol ;o)

    Have posted a link to you on my Blog Candy Alerts (on my sidebar)..

  6. Thank you so much for link notices on your blogs, very kind of you all.

    L xxx

  7. Answers are Stephanie Weightman and Amanda Bateman. Lovely blog by the way
    Lorraine xx

  8. Hi there I discovered your blog through 2sketches4u blog.....
    Welcome to the blogland.......:)

    Stephanie Weightman and
    Amanda Bateman attented:)
    Your blog looks fab:)
    Have a great weekend:)x

  9. Hi Lorraine, discovered your blog from Kath's blog.

    The answer is
    Amanda Bateman
    Stephanie Weightman
    Nice blog!

  10. Hi Lorraine,
    I believe the answer is:
    Amanda Bateman and Stephanie Weightman.
    Lovely blog!!!

  11. Hiya Crafty Lorraine,

    I believe that the correct answer is ............

    Amanda Bateman & Stephanie Weightman

    Cool task!

    Hope you're well.

    Lainy x

  12. I just gotta have a go at this one too!

    I think the answer is - Amanda Bateman & Stephanie Weightman.

    Take care lovey
    Georgie x

  13. Hi Lorraine,

    Great blog! Looking forward to seeing more!

    the wonderful Amanda Bateman & Stephanie Weightman from Create & Craft is the answer

    .. sounded fun! :)


  14. Stephanie Weightman and
    Amanda Bateman attented. I found your blog through 2sketches4you, it's nice to meet new bloggers this way!xxxWendy.

  15. Hi Lorraine,
    I just discovered your blog through 2 Sketches 4 You and your cards are beautiful. The answer to your question is Amanda Bateman and Stephanie Weightman. Oh and I love your blog header it's so cute :)

  16. They were Amanda Bateman & Stephanie Weightman!

    Thank you for the chance! Sweet candy - yum!

    bunnybox9 at gmail . com

  17. I will have to say Stephanie Weightman and Amanda Bateman...Thanks & what a great site you have here. Fun Fun...

  18. hello,
    What a wonderful blog you have, I found it today.
    The answer is Amanda Bateman and Stephanie Weightman.
    Thanks for the chance at your candy.

  19. Hi Lorraine
    Thanks so much for my award, I'll add it to my blog later today. I'll have a go for the 'candy' I think the answers are Stephanie Weightman & Amanda Bateman.
    In have 'candy' up for grabs too...If you fancy it, winners drawn at noon today though, so type quick!!!
    Gayle x

  20. Oooh! Just came accross your blog! Love your pyramid box! The answer is Stephanie Weightman and Amanda Bateman lol! ;0)
    Great Blog Candy! x

  21. Hiya Mrs, sorry I haven't been about as while, can I enter your candy? If so the answer to your question is Amanda Bateman and Stephanie Weightman. Would love to win the papers, they look scrummy. Speak soon, Karen

  22. Very nice candy
    the answer you seek is
    Stephanie Weightman
    Amanda Bateman

  23. Stephanie Weightman and Amanda Bateman. I love your work. You have fabulous stuff.

    If I win you can find me on my blog


  24. I thoroughly enjoyed looking through your blog to find the answers to your giveaway. Well I thnk the answer is . . .

    Amanda Bateman & Stephanie Weightman

    Thanks for holding this draw and I have put a link on my blog.

  25. Hi there,

    The answer to your question is

    Stephanie Weightman
    Amanda Bateman

    Nikki x

  26. I'm probably too late but just in case I'm not

    Stephanie Weightman
    Amanda Bateman

    were lucky enough to meet you!!!

    Link on my blog :D

