Thursday 22 May 2008

First time winner

To let you all understand, I've never won anything in my life, that is until I entered a competition at the SECC in March run by WS Design and was utterly shocked when I received a phone call to say that I had won £50 of goodies. Shortly afterwards my package arrived and I couldn't wait to open it. In it were A4 background papers, sample sheets & her wonderful templates (thankfully none that I already had).

What fun I have playing with my templates as it doesn't matter what the occassion but there is always a template I can use as they are so versatile.

Another example of how a little goes a long way, nothing more than some beautiful papers, stickles & gems. I very often find that the challenge I set myself is not what the final card will look like but infact how it can be made using restricted products. As we all know this can be a very expensive hobby and when doing workshops I like to let people see how to cut costs to meet their budget. It's meant to be fun not have us stressed out because we spent too much. Like we all so very often do......... My hubby never knows the true value of things otherwise he'd be the one having a heart attack. Thankfully he loves me.


  1. Well done you - seasoned blogger now. Love your explosion creation and the cards with the templates are fab..fab..fab.. Just adore your Rachelle Ann Miller banner - she is so talented.
    Love you

  2. Thank you my love, thought the elephant was quite appropriate. I do love her designs.....

    Love ya

  3. Hi Lorraine, Lucky you - what a nice suprise. Love the Wishing Well - Well I love them all acually!! (Excuse the pun!)

    The exploding pyramid is great - I hope you don't mind but I may have to borrow that idea ;0) The papers are gorgeous, and when they are so lovely it is nice to show them off.

    Blog is looking great - no stopping you now eh!

    Love Georgie x

  4. Hi Mrs, well aren't you getting the hang of this blogging business. Love the exploding card, the papers are beautiful. Must admit I really like the template that you won for the wishing well, its so cute. Congratulations on your big win, hope to speak to you soon, Karen

  5. Hi Georgie, I'm trying my best to become a blog blaster. May take a little time but I'll get there. Hope you enjoy making an exploding box I find them great fun.

    Big hugs
    Lorraine xxx

  6. Hey Karen I've surprised myself with the changes I've made today. I love the wishing well too but love them all. Cheap templates to buy & once you've got them theres no end to what you can achieve.

    Crafty love
    Lorraine xxx

  7. Gorgeous cards.Love them both.Thanks for the award too!

    Cass xxx

  8. Congratulations on your win Lorraine, and welcome to blogland! bx
